Who Knows You


Student Policy


Security Reports


Your Data Is Yours, Period.

We understand the importance of protecting your personal information. We don’t share your data with other companies, and we’ll delete it whenever you request. We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to transparency, user control, and strong security measures.

Data Access History

For transparency and your peace of mind, we provide a log of instances where your data has been accessed by internal support or service personnel. This log is intended for your awareness, and details are provided to help you identify any activities you may want to inquire about.

Download Your Data

We believe you should always have access to the information you’ve shared with us. Use this section to request a downloadable file containing your data in a convenient format.

Handling Government Requests for Cloud Data

As a cloud provider, we understand the unique concerns regarding government requests for data. We strive for transparency while protecting user privacy and complying with relevant laws.

Key Legal Frameworks

The Fourth Amendment

Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. This requires the government to generally obtain a warrant based on probable cause to access an individual’s data.

The Stored Communications Act (SCA)

Governs the circumstances under which law enforcement can compel cloud companies to disclose stored electronic communications and subscriber information.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Allows for broader surveillance powers targeting foreign intelligence or terrorism, sometimes including the collection of data from U.S.-based cloud companies.

National Security Letters (NSLs):

Issued by the FBI, these can demand certain types of information from companies. NSLs often include gag orders, preventing companies from disclosing the request.

What Information Do We Share?

User Account Information

Basic details that identify you on our platform (name, email, address, and other online identity.)

Content of Communications

The actual messages, files, or content you directly exchange or store on our service.

Metadata and Activity Logs

Records about how you use our service, including times, locations, and features used.

Privacy Questions? We've got the scoop!

Learn how your data is used, adjust your settings, or get expert guidance.